Welcome to the “Znayka” Russian School!

Znayka School was founded in 2003 with the goal of exposing children of various ages to the riches of Russian culture and literature. Primary for this goal is, of course, is the ability to read, write, speak and clearly express one’s thoughts in Russian. This is our primary focus. In the creative atmosphere of our lessons, each child begins to appreciate the beauty of Russian speech along with the sounds and colors of the world around them. The teaching process must be both captivating and educational, which is why classes are conducted with the latest methods of play and materials adapted to current educational standards. Our students are engaged and show excellent results.

Over the years, the school has grown and matured. Today, besides lessons in Russian language and math, we offer “ABC&123” school preparatory classes, chess, drawing, cooking, and the “Krokha” group for toddlers 1.5-2.5 years old.

In 2011, the “Petrushka” theater group was added. The goal of this club is the reading, discussion and staging of popular works of children’s literature from Russia and the world.

Our students go beyond the school program, outpace their contemporaries, and build a solid base for future success in the sciences and promising professions.

The school year includes preparation for a concert for parents, where the audience is treated to a show with songs and stories.

Many students come to us as toddlers of 2-3 years and continue to study and grow with us until they are 14-15 years old.

What’s important for me is to discover the potential in each child and develop his or her natural abilities.

Children can begin their studies at any age and with any level of knowledge.

Classes are held in small groups of 3-8 students. Groups are formed based on the childrens’ age and characteristics based on consultation with a teacher.

Classes are conducted in a cheerful, kind, and playful atmosphere.

– Diana Mironova

“Znayka” is celebrating 20 years!

Next year, the Znayka school turns 20 years old. Many of our students remember with warmth and gratitude the time spent at our school. The recent meeting of students from one of the first groups was no exception. They came to us as kids of three and four years old. And for more than ten years, teachers, children and their wonderful parents read, wrote, counted, sang, danced, prepared funny matinees and entertaining quizzes together. It was touching to see them as grown-up boys and girls, but remaining the same cheerful, active, resourceful and friendly. We sincerely want to thank all the participants for the sea of ​​positive and good memory of the school.

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